
  • 10:58 @lauraorourke NB minimum wage will hit $10 in sept 2011. Still lowest in country at the moment. #
  • 13:23 I do not need a Kindle DX, I do not need a Kindle DX, I do not need a Kindle DX. And yet I want one. Argh! #
  • 13:36 @Mathieu_LF Then give to the NDP. Voting is great, donating money is better. The Conservatives are raising way more at the moment. #
  • 13:41 RT @nowever: Rick Mercer: "Even Afghanistan, where Canadians are dying, has a parliament that's open for business." @rickmercer #
  • 13:42 Lol RT @rickmercer: When are the senate appoinments? I'm suffering a mid week lack of outrage. #
  • 13:43 @nowever No #
  • 13:48 Before you move to US to get a Google phone. Rember, you can't. Immigrating to US next to impossible. Obama hates Canadians. #
  • 13:55 Avatar is still playing 6 times a day at Trinity in Moncton. 6 times x 7 days x 30 people X $12 = $$$ #
  • 13:59 @KristiMeier The Trans-Labrador highway just opened. They now have 365 day road access to civilization. Nunavut, on the other hand... #
  • 14:24 The j.mp/SkiffReader (Gizmodo article) is my Kindle DX desire antidote. You can bend it! #
  • 15:10 A cause d'une grève des imprimeurs, lisez l'édition complète de le Monde en ligne. Le journal de jeudi y est déjà. lemonde.fr #
  • 17:03 There is no place like home. But France is better: bit.ly/lavieestbelle (International Living Magazine 2010 ranking) #
  • 18:18 bit.ly/15dollars for 12 months of The Economist is tempting. However, I prefer BusinessWeek. #
  • 22: 47 Microsoft is having technical power issues at CES. I'm glued to the live feed on Microsoft.com and blogging by Engadget. #
  • 22:49 www.microsoft.com/presspass/events/ces/VideoGallery.aspx www.engadget.com/2010/01/06/live-from-steve-ballmers-ces-2010-keynote/ #
  • 22:57 ispss.istreamplanet.com/msft/ #
  • 23:00 The Microsoft site is not working for the Balmer streaming video. Instead, go to ispss.istreamplanet.com/msft/ #CES #
  • 00:20 Well, Microsoft's Steve Balmer did not create world peace tonight at #CES . I guess we will have to wait for Apple's Steve Jobs #
  • 00:25 Watching Cali Lewis watching Steve Balmer was a, um, unique experience. www.ustream.tv/channel/cali-live #
  • 00:29 FWI, Steve Jobs and Apple are not at #CES. They were banned because the Apple TV sucks too much. #
  • 00:31 I would like to thank Steve Balmer for helping me keep my wallet intactI already have a Win 7 PC connected to my TV. #CES #
  • 01:09 After an evening of watching and reading about the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas,watching a slide show of Cuba: bit.ly/Cubanoaye #
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