
The Simpsons in HD

I have been enjoying my 42 inch 1080p Dynex since Super Bowl weekend.
Today, I'm watching NASCAR on FOX HD. I'm not a NASCAR fan (I prefer
Formula One) and yet watching NASCAR in HD is like a religious
experience. And I just saw an avertisement for The Simpsons in HD,

Even if you buy a Dynex, a 42 incher will cost you about $700. That is
a lot of overtime. Still, as long as my TV lasts a few years,
definatly worth it.

Oh, and for the love of goodness, please don't do like my friend and
buy an HD TV and then have no HD input. He has had it like that for
two years. No cable HD box, no Bluray DVD player, no computer. That
said, I don't have a Blueray DVD player, so the extra dollars on 1080p
(vs 780p or 1080i) are waisted. And nobody in Canada outside Toronto
and a few border towns has access to over the air HD, so the tuner is
a waist as well; but I don't know of any 42 inch monitors.

The first Daytona 500 live broadcast was in 1979. We had a black and
white TV back then. 30 years later, no jetpacks, but I do feel like
I'm living in the future.

Envoyé depuis mon iPhone / Sent from my iPhone.

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