
Infoman - Rick Mercer

Français suit.

Rick Mercer's Mercer Report is back Tuesday October 3rd on CBC. In the mean time, his blog will do just fine. This guy should write a book. I think he is actually funnier in writing. Speaking of funny guys, did you know that Bob Newhart used to be an accountant? The things you learn from watching Conan O'Brian...

If you are lucky enough to understand French, don't miss Infoman tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 (Eastern) on SRC (aka Radio-Canada). Arguably even funnier than Mercer!

In other news, did you know that by pressing the Shift Key 5 times you will end up with a sticky keyboard? I'm serious, try it!

Ne manquez pas Infoman ce soir (jeudi) à 19h30 (heure de l'Est) sur le réseau SRC (Radio-Canada)!

Si vous êtes assez chanceux de comprendre l'anglais, alors faites un tour au blog de Rick Mercer. Il y est encore plus drôle que durant son émission The Mercer Report, de retour mardi le 3 octobre à CBC.

Saviez-vous qu'en pesant cinq fois sur la touche "shift", vous aurez un clavier collant? Je suis sérieux, essayez!

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